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Secrets of a Great Mobile Marketing Tour

mobile marketing tour

Taking your brand on the road is a great way to take your experiential marketing game to the next level.

Mobile marketing tours are a quickly expanding type of venue in this business because they offer a fantastic way to get your brand some massive publicity. This technique has the capability to reach a wide audience and covers a wide area. The word of your product, your ideas, can spread even further and wider via viral mediums that move –– and move fast.

Inherent Strengths of Opting For a Mobile Marketing Tour

You can be as interactive with your audience as per your particular branding strategy, catering to whatever will create the most optimal impact in your niche. Mobile marketing tours are also very flexible when it comes to your niche, and you can leverage them for really any type of product or industry:




●television shows,

●...or whatever industry that could benefit from connecting with your consumers.

But of course, as with anything in experiential marketing, revving your mobile marketing tour requires extensive planning before putting your idea into motion. To help you get started with your own mobile tour, here are a few questions to consider in order to unlock the secrets to pulling off a successful mobile event.

Momentum is the name of this game. All you need to do is get those wheels moving forward with a clear destination in mind.

#1: Where Are We Going? (Location, Location, Location)

What does the route for your event look like? Are there local events your tour can hook up with ahead of time that are going to be uniquely relevant to your brand?

For example, if you’re setting up a mobile marketing tour for a brand of dog food, are there local dog shows or pet product exhibitions that you can include in your tour itinerary? Be deliberate with your route and make as much of an impression on your audience as possible through this method. If your resources/connections allow, then you should aim to hit as wide of an audience as you can, while still accounting for popular areas and venues in which you can temporarily set up shop.

You’re going for the ‘Wow!’ factor here, and a brilliantly-conceived plan that shows off your company’s industry connections can produce just that kind of a reaction.

That should get your momentum started.

#2: How Will Your Target Market Consumers Find Your Tour?

Are you going to be throwing out your nets and attracting passing foot traffic, or are you zeroing in on a specific destination? Or perhaps you’d like to access a blend of both?

Be sure that you’re very methodical in advertising your route ahead of time. This is one reason why social media can offer a secret weapon in advertising where and when your branding motorcade will roll through town. Also, apps that provide push notifications on local events can be extremely useful, especially given how they’re so incredibly connected to the social web. Mashable’s Tracey Wallace posted an article listing 11 apps to choose from, so there’s no shortage of possibilities here. However, you also need to consider your demographics in using these mediums...

For example, college students are more likely to visit a food truck if they know when and where it will be, so cater to their tech-savvy tastes and whip up a tweet-storm or blast a well-timed Facebook post. This is sure to reach an online audience and prompt others to go out and experience your product firsthand.

But the key is, you’ve got to meet your target demographics where they’ll be!

#3: Think about how to make it a memorable consumer experience.

Will you be giving them keepsakes (and all matter of totems, trinkets, and takeaways) that tie into your brand? Will it be an interactive experience that ingeniously coincides with your own company’s branding objectives, like a makeover or a photo booth session?

Give your audience something to take home from your immersive experiential marketing experience, because this is going to keep the tour’s momentum going – long after it’s reached the company parking lot at the end of the day.

Also, you can further your tour’s viral driver by advertising through the memento you’re giving away. For instance, a beach umbrella commemorating their crazy fun visit from a mobile banking service will get the attention of others. And when those others ask, the event attendee will happily divulge the details…

Because they’ve been unwittingly infected with your brand’s ideavirus. Even better, put a QR code on that souvenir, and you can get others hooked in quickly via their smartphones.

With your company’s memorabilia, participants are more likely to talk about it with their friends, family, coworkers, etc., because people LOVE talking about their own experiences. It’s just how humans are wired.

Think of your giveaway as fuel for continuing the momentum you’ve started.

#4: Once You Drive Off, Then What Happens?

You need to consider how to make your brand dwell on consumers’ minds long after the day of the tour has passed. As I previously said, brand idea-infected memorabilia helps with this aspect. But also, don’t hesitate to keep your social media marketing machine firing on all pistons.

Photos, news, updates, or whatever relevant info of your mobile marketing tour, could sustain the branding epidemic on the social web, engaging an even wider audience that will be awaiting the next tour (provided, the last one had constituted a success).

Keep that magic alive for your customers, and they will respond with just as much excitement that you give them. Therein lies the momentum, the secret to mobile tour experiential marketing mastery.

Phil Provost is an experiential & event marketing expert, Integrated marketing consultant & President at PSP Media, an experiential marketing agency based in NYC. We have over 20 years experience in creating turnkey experiential marketing experiences nationwide. Whether you need help coming up with your next pop up shop idea or simply want someone to help take over the operations and management, our event experts are ready to help. NEED HELP WITH YOUR EVENT? Click here to get a Free Event Quote today.

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Phillip Provost is a senior media executive who has worked in experiential event marketing for years. Phil is currently President of PSP Media Inc.

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